Researchers engineer new thyroid cells

Researchers have discovered a new efficient way to generate thyroid cells, known as thyrocytes, using genetically modified embryonic stem cells.

Cells that change jobs to fight diabetes

Diabetes is characterized by persistent high blood sugar levels that occur when certain cells in the pancreas—the insulin-producing β cells—are destroyed or are no longer able to secrete insulin. Researchers at the University ...

Two studies find stress reprograms cells

In a pair of publications, researchers have shown how cells adapt to stressors—like water loss—by reprogramming their internal signaling networks. The studies describe previously unknown mechanisms that cells use to send ...

Stem cells make similar decisions to humans

Scientists at the University of Copenhagen have captured thousands of progenitor cells of the pancreas on video as they made decisions to divide and expand the organ or to specialize into the endocrine cells that regulate ...

New clues into how stem cells get their identity

Scientists at the University of Copenhagen have identified one mechanism that explains how some stem cells choose to become a given cell type: the cells combine specific sets of proteins at precise positions along the DNA. ...

Simplifying the way cell proliferation is monitored in mice

Observing cell proliferation in living animals for a long period requires collecting and analyzing animal organs at multiple points in time. This cumbersome process requires an abundance of resources, including animals.