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Insects could help us find new yeasts for big business

Yeasts are tiny fungi - but they play key roles in producing everything from beer and cheese to industrial chemicals and biofuels. And now scientists are proposing a new approach that could help these industries find new ...

Infected 'zombie ants' face no discrimination from nest mates

Carpenter ants infected with a specialized parasitic fungus are not subjected to aggression or isolation from their nest mates, and they continue to share in the colony's food resources until they leave the nest for the last ...

Infectious disease in hoverflies linked to honeybee health

In research published on 28 February, 2018 in Biology Letters, scientists from Royal Holloway, University of London, Oxford University and Cornell University have shown for the first time that viruses that are harmful to ...

Study says humans can digest bugs, assuming they want to

The thought of eating an insect makes most people cringe – at least those who live in America, Canada and Europe, a minority of the world's population who would not let a cricket, grasshopper or beetle near their dinner ...

Bees use invisible heat patterns to choose flowers

A new study, led by scientists from the University of Bristol, has found that a wide range of flowers produce not just signals that we can see and smell, but also ones that are invisible such as heat.

Why insects can develop from unfertilized egg cells

A scientist from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, has, together with his Russian colleague, has explained the frequent occurrence of parthenogenesis development of insects from unfertilized egg cells. ...

New study changes view on flying insects

For the first time, researchers are able to prove that there is an optimal speed for certain insects when they fly. At this speed, they are the most efficient and consume the least amount of energy. Corresponding phenomena ...

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