Related topics: species · genes · plants · animals · brain

Honeybees are less likely to sting in larger groups

To sting or not to sting? An alarm pheromone plays a decisive role in bees' willingness to sting—and their group size, as scientists from the University of Konstanz have now shown

Soybean virus may give plant-munching bugs a boost in survival

Most viral infections negatively affect an organism's health, but one plant virus in particular—soybean vein necrosis orthotospovirus, often referred to as SVNV—may actually benefit a type of insect that commonly feeds ...

Tropical insects are extremely sensitive to changing climates

Insects that are adapted to perennially wet environments, like tropical rainforests, don't tend to do well when their surroundings dry out. New research published this Wednesday indicates they may be equally averse to heavy ...

The long and short of a supergene for efficient pollination

Scientists have solved the century-old mystery of a supergene that causes efficient cross-pollination in flowers. The results show that sequence length variation at the DNA level is important for the evolution of two forms ...

How tardigrades survive dehydration

Some species of tardigrades, or water bears as the tiny aquatic creatures are also known, can survive in different environments often hostile or even fatal to most forms of life. For the first time, researchers describe a ...

New model for analyzing color vision in aphids

Aphids are one of the least welcome garden visitors. These small insects can cause substantial damage in agriculture, but how do they actually choose their host plants? What are the basic mechanisms behind this? Researchers ...

Oldest discovery to date of physogastric insects

Trapped in tree resin and preserved as in a time capsule: fossils enclosed in amber yield detailed insights into the anatomy of long extinct species. LMU zoologists Prof. Joachim T. Haug and Dr. Carolin Haug have discovered ...

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