NASA sees wind shear battering Banyan

NASA's Terra satellite captured an infrared image of Typhoon Banyan that showed the strongest storms were being pushed northeast of the center from wind shear.

NASA satellite sees Typhoon Noru in infrared light

NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite captured an infrared image of Typhoon Noru that showed the structure and cloud top temperatures of the powerful thunderstorms circling its eye.

Satellite shows Tropical Storm Greg losing shape

Tropical Storm Greg appears to be less-rounded and more elongated on satellite imagery from NOAA's GOES-West satellite. Greg is still over 1,500 miles east of Hawaii.

Satellite shows a weaker Hurricane Fernanda

Hurricane Fernanda appears to be weakening on infrared satellite imagery. NOAA's GOES-West satellite imagery on July 19 showed a more disorganized hurricane nearing the Central Pacific Ocean.

Typhoon Lionrock threatening Japan

Depending on the intensity track of Typhoon Lionrock, it could pass over Japan with the strength of a lion or or the weakness of a lamb. The intensity track is not clear as yet and some forecasters have it remaining a stronger ...

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