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Research team creates a chemistry map for human cells

Scientists at NPL worked with Diamond Light Source to publish a study that shows how the chemistry of human cells changes, depending on the structure of their extracellular niche, are major determinants of cell responses ...

Generating stable qubits at room temperature

A group of researchers reports that they have achieved quantum coherence at room temperature, which is the ability of a quantum system to maintain a well-defined state over time without getting affected by surrounding disturbances

Simulations reveal the atomic-scale story of qubits

Researchers led by Giulia Galli at University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering report a computational study that predicts the conditions to create specific spin defects in silicon carbide. Their findings, ...

Ultrafast quantum simulation of large-scale quantum entanglement

A research group led by Professor Kenji Ohmori at the Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences are using an artificial crystal of 30,000 atoms aligned in a cubic array with a spacing of 0.5 ...

Spintronics: X-ray microscopy unravels the nature of domain walls

A new study at BESSY II analyzes the formation of skyrmions in ferrimagnetic thin films of dysprosium and cobalt in real time and with high spatial resolution. This is an important step towards characterizing suitable materials ...

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