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Effects of highly pathogenic avian influenza on canids

Researchers at Hokkaido University have revealed the effects of high pathogenicity avian influenza virus infection on an Ezo red fox and a Japanese raccoon dog, linking their infection to a recorded die-off of crows.

Review of nanomaterials for antiviral coatings

Antiviral coatings based on nanomaterials could help reduce the risk of transmission of infectious diseases, according to new work in the International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering. The Indian team has reviewed ...

Gaining structural insight into the influenza virus

A team of scientists at University of Oxford have worked with multiple techniques at Diamond Light Source, to solve the structure of the influenza replication machinery and to determine how it interacts with cellular proteins. ...

Bird flu strikes S.Africa's endangered penguins

Close to thirty African penguins have died due to avian flu since mid-August at Boulders beach near Cape Town, a crucial breeding site in South Africa.

Contact between wild birds and backyard chickens is risky

Wild birds come into contact with backyard chicken flocks more frequently than people realize, creating a pathway for pathogens to transmit back and forth, according to new research from the University of Georgia. Such pathways ...

Avian influenza: Past, present, future

Due to the possibility that bird flu viruses could mutate and gain the ability to spread easily between people, avian influenza poses a significant pandemic threat to birds and humans alike. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control ...

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