Video: Artificial intelligence putting an end to poaching

When placed in protected areas, the TrailGuard artificial intelligence camera uses AI inference at the edge to detect possible poachers and alert park rangers in near real-time, allowing them to take action before animals ...

A novel solver for approximate marginal map inference

There is a deep connection between planning and inference, and over the last decade, multiple researchers have introduced explicit reductions showing how stochastic planning can be solved using probabilistic inference with ...

Toward language inference in medicine

Recent times have witnessed significant progress in natural language understanding by AI, such as machine translation and question answering. A vital reason behind these developments is the creation of datasets, which use ...

New technique allows rapid screening for new types of solar cells

The worldwide quest by researchers to find better, more efficient materials for tomorrow's solar panels is usually slow and painstaking. Researchers typically must produce lab samples—which are often composed of multiple ...

Advances in Bayesian methods for big data

In the Big Data era, many scientific and engineering domains are producing massive data streams, with petabyte and exabyte scales becoming increasingly common. Besides the explosive growth in volume, Big Data also has high ...

Machines that learn better

( -- In the last 20 years or so, many of the key advances in artificial-intelligence research have come courtesy of machine learning, in which computers learn how to make predictions by looking for patterns in ...

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