AI predicts the taste and quality of beer

Belgian scientists have developed AI models that can predict how consumers will rate a particular beer, and what aroma compounds brewers can add to improve it. The research was published in Nature Communications and may revolutionize ...

Projection mapping leaves the darkness behind

Images projected onto objects in the real world create impressive displays that educate and entertain. However, current projection mapping systems all have one common limitation: they only work well in the dark. In a study ...

Enzyme for biocatalysis uses solvent as a substrate

A large number of applications in the chemical industry rely on the molecules NADH or NADPH as fuel. A team led by Professor Dirk Tischler, head of the Microbial Biotechnology working group at Ruhr University Bochum, used ...

A known environmental hazard can change the epigenetics of cells

Epigenetics, the chemical mechanisms that control the activity of genes, allows our cells, tissues and organs to adapt to the changing circumstances of the environment around us. This advantage can become a drawback, though, ...

Sunflower extract fights fungi to keep blueberries fresh

Opening a clamshell of berries and seeing them coated in fuzzy mold is a downer. And it's no small problem. Gray mold and other fungi, which cause fruit to rot, lead to significant economic losses and food waste.

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