Green business from recycled dairy wastewater

An innovative new way of treating dairy wastewater and whey could cut water and energy consumption dramatically, saving the food industry millions of euros.

Analyzing COVID-19's effect on the clothing industry

While COVID-19 hit the textile and apparel industry especially hard, businesses with a strong online presence, several manufacturing locations and an ability to quickly adjust their merchandise were better able to withstand ...

Scientists Identify Bacteria That Increase Plant Growth

( -- Through work originally designed to remove contaminants from soil, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory and their Belgium colleagues at Hasselt University have identified ...

Making solar cells is like buttering bread

Formamidinium lead iodide is a very good material for photovoltaic cells, but getting the correct stable crystal structure is a challenge. The techniques developed so far have produced poor results. However, University of ...

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