Breakthrough in industrial CO2 usage

Professor Arne Skerra of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has succeeded for the first time in using gaseous CO2 as a basic material for the production of a chemical mass product in a biotechnical reaction. The product ...

Researchers use sunlight to produce chemicals and energy

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have discovered a natural process they describe as "reverse photosynthesis," by which the energy in solar rays breaks down plant biomass rather than building it, as is the case ...

Steroids may persist longer in the environment than expected

Assessing the risk posed to aquatic organisms by the discharge of certain steroids and pharmaceutical products into waterways is often based on a belief that as the compounds degrade, the ecological risks naturally decline.

Yeast uses CO2 to boost bioethanol production

Introducing four genes from bacteria and spinach has enabled researchers at the Delft University of Technology to improve the production of bioethanol with yeast by using carbon dioxide. Their findings were published last ...

Multi-talented enzyme—produced on large-scale

Papayas are delicious and healthy – and they contain papain, an enzyme that is isolated from the fruit and used in countless industries. They are used for brewing beer, the handling of meat products, the treating of wool ...

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