Scientists set traps for atoms with single-particle precision

Atoms, photons, and other quantum particles are often capricious and finicky by nature; very rarely at a standstill, they often collide with others of their kind. But if such particles can be individually corralled and controlled ...

The entire planet's ecosystems classified for the first time

A global cross-disciplinary team of scientists led by UNSW Sydney researchers has developed the first comprehensive classification of the world's ecosystems across land, rivers and wetlands, and seas. The ecosystem typology ...

Facebook blocks unlicensed gun sales (Update)

Facebook has banned people using the social network for unlicensed gun sales after pressure from anti-gun violence groups alarmed over the ease with which firearms are sold online in the United States.

Solving problems on a quantum chessboard

Physicists at the University of Innsbruck are proposing a new model that could demonstrate the supremacy of quantum computers over classical supercomputers in solving optimization problems. In a recent paper, they demonstrate ...

Ultracold atoms point toward an intriguing magnetic behavior

Using atoms cooled to just billionths of a degree above absolute zero, a team led by researchers at Princeton University has discovered an intriguing magnetic behavior that could help explain how high-temperature superconductivity ...

The effects of China's One Child Policy on its children

New research shows China's controversial One Child Policy (OCP) has not only dramatically re-shaped the population, but has produced individuals lacking characteristics important for economic and social attainment.

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