Researcher uses microscale technology to isolate rare cells

In a blood sample taken from a cancer patient, there may be a single circulating tumor cell among hundreds of thousands of other cells. These tumor cells can provide valuable information about how cancer progresses, and could ...

How dividing cells end up the same size

There aren't any giants or midgets when it comes to the cells in your body, and now Duke University scientists think they know why.

Manipulating cell membranes using nanotubes

Japanese researchers have developed a targeted method for opening up cell membranes in order to deliver drugs to, or manipulate the genes of, individual cells.

Chameleon proteins make individual cells visible

Researchers discovered a new mechanism of how fluorescent proteins can change colour. It enables the microscopic visualization of individual cells in their three-dimensional environment in living organisms.

From the depths of a microscopic world, spontaneous cooperation

Maybe it's not such a dog-eat-dog world after all. A clever combination of two different types of computer simulations enabled a group of Illinois researchers to uncover an unexpectedly cooperative group dynamic: the spontaneous ...

Image: Arabidopsis thaliana shoots en route to ISS

This microscope image taken at 40 times magnification shows the individual cells that make up the root of an Arabidopsis thaliana plant. Next month, 200 five-day-old shoots will fly a roller-coaster ride on an aircraft to ...

Deciphering the origins of cell behavior

Researchers at the Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore, have made significant advances in our understanding of cellular biology; providing evidence that the inherent 'handedness' of molecular structures ...

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