Electric cars—batteries with brains

The battery is the heart of the electric car. Fraunhofer researchers have developed an energy storage device which is significantly more cost-effective over the entire life cycle in comparison with previous models. If one ...

Shaping contraction

You were once a hollow shell. To sculpt that hollow ball into an organism with layers of internal organs, muscle and skin, portions of that embryonic 'shell' folded inwards. The same happens to fruit fly embryos, and researchers ...

Learning how muscle cells feel the pull of gravity

People can easily feel the presence - or absence - of gravity. Our individual cells actually may be able to sense gravity, too, and that ability could play a role in the loss of muscle that occurs when humans spend time in ...

Cancer decoy could attract, capture malignant cells

A small, implantable device that researchers are calling a cancer "super-attractor" could eventually give doctors earlier warnings of relapse in breast cancer patients and even slow the disease's spread to other organs.

New technology looks into the eye and brings cells into focus

Eye doctors soon could use computing power to help them see individual cells in the back of a patient's eye, thanks to imaging technology developed by engineers at the University of Illinois. Such detailed pictures of the ...

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