Simple equation directs creation of clean-energy catalysts

New guidelines laid down by Nebraska and Chinese researchers could steer the design of less costly, more efficient catalysts geared toward revving up the production of hydrogen as a renewable fuel.

Glutamine-dependent activation of cell growth discovered

The human body consists of about 35 trillion cells, so it could be said that overall body growth is the growth of individual cells. One essential nutrient for cells are amino acids, the building blocks of proteins (one of ...

A complete cell atlas and lineage tree of the immortal flatworm

From one stem cell to many differentiated body cells: Scientists from the MDC in Berlin, along with collaborating researchers in Munich, have published a comprehensive lineage tree of a whole adult animal in the journal Science. ...

Scientists teach computers how to analyze brain cells

In the early days of neuroscience research, scientists painstakingly stained brain cells and drew by hand what they saw in a microscope. Fast forward to 2018 and machines may be able to learn how to do that work. According ...

Researchers measure gene activity in single cells

For biologists, a single cell is a world of its own: It can form a harmonious part of a tissue, or go rogue and take on a diseased state, like cancer. But biologists have long struggled to identify and track the many different ...

Democratizing single-cell analysis

Scientists at the Allen Institute and the University of Washington have developed a new low-cost technique for profiling gene expression in hundreds of thousands of cells. Split Pool Ligation-based Transcriptome sequencing ...

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