Pioneering new technique to barcode cells

Scientists have developed a pioneering new technique to barcode individual cells more accurately and efficiently—which could help pave the way for quicker disease diagnosis. 

Virtual reality tool to be used in the fight against disease

Science has the technology to measure the activity of every gene within a single individual cell, and just one experiment can generate thousands of cells worth of data. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have now revolutionized ...

New cell database paints fuller picture of muscle repair

When a muscle becomes injured, it repairs itself using a flurry of cellular activity, with stem cells splitting and differentiating into many types of specialized cells, each playing an important role in the healing process.

Nested nanowells speed single cell studies

Researchers tracking the behavior of cancerous tumor cells have a new tool in their arsenal that can process 10 times the number of cells in one day. A new nested nanoPOTS chip, developed at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory ...

What sponges can tell us about the evolution of the brain

Despite its central importance, the brain's origins have not yet been uncovered. The first animal brains appeared hundreds of millions of years ago. Today, only the most primitive animal species, such as aquatic sponges, ...

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