New discovery shows glass made from exploding stars

The next time you're gazing out of the window in search of inspiration, keep in mind the material you're looking through was forged inside the heart of an exploding ancient star.

Single atoms break carbon's strongest bond

An international team of scientists including researchers at Yale University and the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have developed a new catalyst for breaking carbon-fluorine bonds, one of ...

Manipulating single atoms with an electron beam

All matter is composed of atoms, which are too small to see without powerful modern instruments including electron microscopes. The same electrons that form images of atomic structures can also be used to move atoms in materials. ...

Entangled atoms shine in unison

A team led by Austrian experimental physicist Rainer Blatt has succeeded in characterizing the quantum entanglement of two spatially separated atoms by observing their light emission. This fundamental demonstration could ...

Simple equation directs creation of clean-energy catalysts

New guidelines laid down by Nebraska and Chinese researchers could steer the design of less costly, more efficient catalysts geared toward revving up the production of hydrogen as a renewable fuel.

Individual impurity atoms detectable in graphene

A team including physicists from the University of Basel has succeeded in using atomic force microscopy to obtain clear images of individual impurity atoms in graphene ribbons. Thanks to the forces measured in the graphene's ...

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