White House cybersecurity plan falls short, IU expert says

The Obama Administration outlined what it called sweeping cybersecurity legislation Thursday (May 12), but the proposed new law still provides few incentives, and even fewer legal requirements, for the private sector to provide ...

How incentives can hurt group productivity and shared resources

A study by Professor Stephan Meier, Assistant Professor, Management at Columbia Business School, and co-author Andreas Fuster, Ph.D. candidate, Harvard University Department of Economics, which was published in Management ...

Deforestation is driven by global markets

The world is at a crossroads, as humanity tries to mitigate climate change and halt biodiversity loss, while still securing a supply of food for everyone. A recent study in Nature Communications shows that global demands ...

Q&A: Will machines replace human workers?

Economists have long studied the question of whether machines might one day replace human workers, but the advent of new technologies makes it particularly important as we consider the future of work in the 21st century. ...

Canada basks in role as global special effects hub

Canada's westernmost province of British Columbia, one of the top regions for filmmaking outside of Hollywood, is rapidly gaining prominence as a world leader in animation and special effects.

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