Among India's working poor, sobriety may boost savings

Trying to stay sober does not change the earnings of some workers—but it does increase the amount of money they save, according to an MIT economist's field experiment about low-income workers in India.

Making sustainability policies sustainable

Sweeping environmental policies come with hidden challenges – not only striving to achieve sustainability and benefit the environment – but over time ensuring the program itself can endure.

How soil carbon can help tackle climate change

Maintaining soil organic matter is critical to tackling climate change because soil organic matter is rich in carbon. Soil carbon is also the keystone element controlling soil health, which enables soils to be resilient as ...

Curbing coffee cup usage

The use of disposable coffee cups could be reduced by 50 – 300 million annually according to research announced today by leading coffee roaster Bewley's.

Reducing plastic waste will require fundamental change in culture

Plastic waste is considered one of the biggest environmental problems of our time. IASS researchers surveyed consumers in Germany about their use of plastic packaging. Their research reveals that fundamental changes in infrastructures ...

How to protect consumers from deceptive comparison pricing

Researchers from Duke University, University of Notre Dame, and Microsoft published a new Journal of Marketing article that examines using "true normal prices" during a sale as a way to reduce deceptive pricing tricks.

Money might be more motivating for people in 'WEIRD' countries

Financial rewards may be more motivating for people living in Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic (WEIRD) countries, than for people from non-WEIRD countries, reports a study published in Nature Human ...

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