Related topics: brain

Accurate drug dosages with proton traps

Researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, have developed a proton trap that makes organic electronic ion pumps more precise when delivering drugs. The new technique may reduce drug side effects, and in the long term, ...

Using viscous metals in micro fibers

EPFL scientists have developed the first micro-structured fibers with a viscous metal inside—a perfect example of what cross-disciplinary teamwork can achieve.

Coherent electron trajectory control in graphene

Electronic systems using light waves instead of voltage signals is advantageous, as electromagnetic light waves oscillate at petaherz frequency. This means that future computers could operate at speeds 1 million times faster ...

Great tits have as much impulse control as chimpanzees

Biologists at Lund University in Sweden have shown that the great tit, a common European songbird, has a tremendous capacity for self-control. Until now, such impulse control has been primarily associated with larger cognitively ...

Rare cells are 'window into the gut' for the nervous system

Specialized cells in the gut sense potentially noxious chemicals and trigger electrical impulses in nearby nerve fibers, according to a new study led by UC San Francisco scientists. "These cells are sensors, like a window ...

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