Letters of recommendation may disadvantage young women scientists

Letters of recommendation - critical to young scientists' chances of being hired for postdoctoral research positions - may be disadvantaging women from the very start of their careers, and the professors writing those letters ...

Why disability bias is a particularly stubborn problem

Our most negative societal prejudices can fade, but what sparks that change, and what does it mean when those views haven't budged in years? Tessa Charlesworth, a postdoc in the Department of Psychology, has dedicated her ...

Rating systems may discriminate against Uber drivers

Many new "sharing economy" companies, like Uber and Airbnb, use consumer-sourced ratings to evaluate their workers – but these systems can be fraught with difficulties, including bias based on race or gender.

Measuring the implicit biases we may not even be aware we have

When most people think of bias, they imagine an intentional thought or action – for example, a conscious belief that women are worse than men at math or a deliberate decision to pull someone over because of his or her race. ...

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