The death of open access mega-journals?

The entire scientific publishing world is currently undergoing a massive stress test of quantity vs. quality, open access (free) vs. institutional subscriptions (paywall), and how to best judge the integrity of a publication.

Global patterns of biodiversity in seed plants unveiled

Understanding the origins and preservation of biodiversity is crucial as human impact continues to threaten our planet's rich variety of life. Often overlooked, narrow-ranged and evolutionary unique species play a vital role ...

Nature is changing as land abandonment increases, say researchers

When people leave their rural lives behind to seek their fortunes in the city or agriculture is no longer profitable, the lands they toiled on are often left unused. A new perspective piece in Science shows that these abandoned ...

Climate change negatively impacting bumblebees, study finds

Temperature changes have negatively impacted most species of bumblebees over the past 120 years, according to new research published this week in Biology Letters. The researchers note that changes in temperature had more ...

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