Unconventional superconductivity found in kagome metal

Physicists using advanced muon spin spectroscopy at Paul Scherrer Institute PSI found the missing link between their recent breakthrough in a kagome metal and unconventional superconductivity. The team uncovered an unconventional ...

Paralysis promises smart silk technology

(Phys.org) —Oxford University researchers have harnessed the natural defence mechanism of silkworms, which causes paralysis, in what is a major step towards the large-scale production of silks with tailor-made properties.

Pressure in the womb may influence facial development

Physical cues in the womb, and not just genetics, influence the normal development of neural crest cells, the embryonic stem cells that form facial features, finds a new study led by UCL researchers.

New type of cell movement discovered

For decades, researchers have used petri dishes to study cell movement. These classic tissue culture tools, however, only permit two-dimensional movement, very different from the three-dimensional movements that cells make ...

Ultrafast dynamics of topological material probed under pressure

A team led by Prof. Su Fuhai from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), together with researchers from the Aerospace Information Research Institute, and the Center for ...

The limits of life on Earth extended... in water

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new species of archaebacteria, Pyrococcus CH1, thriving within a temperature range of 80 to 105°C and able to divide itself up to a hydrostatic pressure of 120 Mpa (1000 times higher than the atmospheric ...

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