Research finds enzymes essential for DNA repair

Scientists at ANU and Heidelberg University in Germany have found an essential component in the DNA repair process which could open the door to the development of new cancer drugs.

Gene that determines floral sex may be key to new hybrid seeds

A Yale University-led team of scientists has discovered a key gene in that controls the sex of maize flowers—a discovery that could open the door to creation of highly productive hybrid seed in many agricultural plants ...

The Higgs Bison—mystery species hidden in cave art

Ancient DNA research has revealed that Ice Age cave artists recorded a previously unknown hybrid species of bison and cattle in great detail on cave walls more than 15,000 years ago.

California may beef up electric vehicle mandate

A California lawmaker told The Associated Press on Friday that she's introducing legislation to require that 15 percent of new vehicles be emission-free in less than a decade, a significant escalation in the state's efforts ...

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