Robo-chefs and fashion-bots on show in Tokyo

Forget the Transformers and Astroboy: Japan's latest robots don't save the world -- they cook snacks, play with your kids, model clothes, and search for disaster victims.

Humanoid robot that sees and maps

( —Computer vision algorithms that enable Samsung's latest humanoid robot, Roboray, to build real-time 3D visual maps to move around more efficiently have been developed by researchers from the University of Bristol.

Touching a robot can elicit physiological arousal in humans

On the scale of the "uncanny valley," the humanoid robot registers a positive response with humans just before the dip into repulsion. Its resemblance hovers between C-3PO and Wall-E, a familiar but distinctly non-human robot. ...

CeBIT: Robot obeys commands and gestures

At the CeBIT in Hanover, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the FZI Research Center for Information Technology will present innovations for our everyday life in the future. At the joint stand G33 in hall 26, a humanoid ...

Move over Messi, here come the robots

With the score tied 1-1, it's gone to a penalty shootout in a tense soccer match between teams from Israel and Australia. As the Australian goalkeeper in his red jersey braces for the shot, the Israeli striker pauses. Then ...

Japan's 'Sense-Roid' replicates human hug

Japanese inventors have pushed the frontiers of technology with the ultimate companion for lonely singles -- a wired torso-shaped device that you can hug and that hugs you back.

Human evolution has become multi-colored

Thus far, a tiny finger bone and two back teeth in a cave in the Altai Mountains are the only known remains of the Denisovans – a humanoid that Max Planck researchers have identified solely through their genetic material. ...

Maybe not sci-fi, but robots readied for big tests

The real world has not caught up yet with "Star Wars" and its talking, thinking robots, but some of the most sophisticated units that exist are heading to Florida this week for a Defense Department-sponsored competition.

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