Space shuttle Discovery launches on final voyage (Update)

Discovery, the world's most traveled spaceship, thundered into orbit for the final time Thursday, heading toward the International Space Station on a journey that marks the beginning of the end of the shuttle era.

Robot's space debut 'giant leap for tinmankind'

Space is about to get its first humanoid from planet Earth. Robonaut 2 - affectionately known as R2 - is hitching a one-way ride to the International Space Station this week aboard the final flight of space shuttle Discovery.

Avatars in Space

At this year's Oscars, there was a great deal of buzz surrounding the science fiction epic, Avatar. The movie focuses on human explorers virtually immersing themselves in the environment of a distant world through the eyes ...

Two-legged robots learn to walk like a human

Teaching two-legged robots a stable, robust "human" way of walking – this is the goal of the international research project "KoroiBot" with scientists from seven institutions from Germany, France, Israel, Italy and the ...

KAIST's HUBO ready for DARPA's robotics challenge trials

The Humanoid Robot Research Center (HUBO Lab, at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and Rainbow Co., a spin-off venture company of the university, unveiled a new model ...

Humans can empathize with robots

Empathy is a basic human ability. We often feel empathy toward and console others in distress. Is it possible for us to emphasize with humanoid robots? Since robots are becoming increasingly popular and common in our daily ...

President Obama urges astronauts to unpack robot

(AP) -- The 12 astronauts on the orbiting shuttle-station complex had to explain to a higher authority Thursday why they hadn't yet unpacked R2, the first humanoid robot in space.

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