Toyota showcases humanoid robot that mirrors user

Japanese auto giant Toyota Wednesday showcased a humanoid robot that can mirror its user's movements, a product it says has uses as varied as elderly care and disaster response.

Robots can help us better understand how infants learn

Robots are a hot item and Radboud University is right on trend by using them to replicate babies' brain and behaviour. Johan Kwisthout, coordinator of the Master's programme in Artificial Intelligence, explains how this works ...

Future robots won't resemble humans – we're too inefficient

Humanoid robots are a vanity project: an attempt to create artificial life in our own image – essentially trying to play God. The problem is, we're not very good at it. Ask someone on the street to name a robot and you ...

Developing robots that can walk more naturally

Walking on two legs isn't as easy as it seems. For robots and their designers, it is an even bigger challenge! Researchers at EPFL's Biorobotics Laboratory are testing novel algorithms to improve humanoids' ability to walk ...

Researchers link robots to surveillance teams

If you were monitoring a security camera and saw someone set down a backpack and walk away, you might pay special attention – especially if you had been alerted to watch that particular person. According to Cornell researchers, ...

Valkyrie robot meets the public

Valkyrie landed at Northeastern on Wednesday, marking the first time that the 6-foot-2-inch, 275-pound humanoid robot has interacted with the public.

Touching a robot can elicit physiological arousal in humans

On the scale of the "uncanny valley," the humanoid robot registers a positive response with humans just before the dip into repulsion. Its resemblance hovers between C-3PO and Wall-E, a familiar but distinctly non-human robot. ...

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