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Researchers discover antifungal molecule

Fungal infections are killing thousands of Americans each year, some with a morbidity rate of nearly 80%. To make matters worse, only a handful of antifungal treatments are available, and even those are becoming less effective ...

Learning how to control HIV from African genomes

A study on almost four thousand people of African descent has identified a gene that acts as natural defense against HIV by limiting its replication in certain white blood cells. An international effort co-led by EPFL, Canada's ...

First genetic clue why some people do not get sick from COVID

People who have a particular genetic variant are twice as likely to never get sick when they contract COVID-19, researchers said on Wednesday, offering the first potential explanation for the lucky group dubbed the "super ...

New infection mechanism in SARS-CoV-2 discovered

Researchers from Heidelberg Medical Faculty, Heidelberg University Hospital and German Cancer Research Center investigate molecular relationships that promote infection and spread of SARS-CoV-2. The results may provide a ...

Probe expands understanding of oral cavity homeostasis

Your mouth is a crucial interface between the outside world and the inside of your body. Everything you breathe, chew, or drink interacts with your oral cavity—the proteins and the microbes, including microbes that can ...

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