Plastic teabags release microscopic particles into tea

Many people are trying to reduce their plastic use, but some tea manufacturers are moving in the opposite direction: replacing traditional paper teabags with plastic ones. Now, researchers reporting in ACS' Environmental ...

Scientists recommend procedures for the protection of the oceans

Together with an international team, Senckenberg scientist Angelika Brandt has published an inventory of the current knowledge and discussions concerning marine areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ). With regard to urgently ...

World warned: change now or endanger food and climate

Humanity faces increasingly painful trade-offs between food security and rising temperatures within decades unless emissions are curbed and unsustainable farming and deforestation halted, a landmark climate assessment said ...

Chimpanzees' working memory similar to ours

Previous studies have showed that chimpanzees have excellent long-term memory abilities. However, little is known so far about their working memory abilities. To explore this subject, the researchers presented chimpanzees ...

Unearthing the sweet potato proteome

The sweet, starchy orange sweet potatoes are tasty and nutritious ingredients for fries, casseroles and pies. Although humans have been cultivating sweet potatoes for thousands of years, scientists still don't know much about ...

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