Related topics: malaria

Blood flows could be more turbulent than previously expected

Blood flow in the human body is generally assumed to be smooth due to its low speed and high viscosity. Unsteadiness in blood flow is linked to various cardiovascular diseases and has been shown to promote dysfunction and ...

'Decoy' nanoparticles can block HIV and prevent infection

Flipping the standard viral drug targeting approach on its head, engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a promising new "nanosponge" method for preventing HIV from proliferating in the body: coating ...

Removing belly fat before it sticks to you

Triglycerides, those fats that seem to be the bane of any diet, remain a mystery for many researchers. Plenty of them are in Big Macs, deep pan pizza and the like, but some are a necessity to fuel the body for daily activities.

Diabetes in mice cured rapidly using human stem cell strategy

Researchers have converted human stem cells into insulin-producing cells and demonstrated in mice infused with such cells that blood sugar levels can be controlled and diabetes functionally cured for nine months.

Research shows the way to more efficient EPO production

To many people, EPO rhymes with doping and cycling. But in fact, EPO is an important medical drug. This hormone works naturally in the body by stimulating red blood cell production. Patients suffering from anemia caused by ...

One giant leap for microplastics

Sometimes, in the enormity of the global climate emergency, we forget about the importance of the small stuff.

How mosquitoes find humans to bite

In a paper appearing online February 6 in Science, professor of biology Paul Garrity, Ph.D. student Chloe Greppi, post-doctoral fellow Willem Laursen and several colleagues report that they've figured out an important part ...

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