Can encroachment benefit hotel franchisees?

Researchers from University of Texas at Dallas and Emory University published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that examines the issue of encroachment in the hotel industry.

Ban on hotel toiletries is latest effort to curb plastic waste

Love those dainty little bottles of shampoo, conditioner and hand lotion in hotel bathrooms? Do you take them home, use them for guests or donate them to the local homeless shelter? You won't be able to for much longer—states, ...

Web Summit is windfall for Portugal's economy

The bars on the banks of Lisbon's Tagus river are gearing up for a bonanza as tens of thousands of people descend on the city for Europe's largest tech event.

Room service with the tap of an iPad screen

For a night of clubbing in Manhattan on a recent weekend, Seunghee Thomson turned to the iPad in her room at the Mondrian SoHo to ask the hotel's concierge for a recommendation.

Cash talks when overbooked hotel guests walk

Cash bonuses can help hotel operators lure back disappointed customers who were displaced during overbooking snags, according to Penn State researchers.

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