Could one bacterium put damselflies in distress? 

Many insect species are currently expanding their geographical ranges in response to climate change. In the northern hemisphere, most of these species are moving northward, to escape the warming climate in the south.

Darwin's magnificent mystery and the microbiome

Vanderbilt researchers are reimagining Charles Darwin's work by communicating how the origin of species might depend largely on the microbiome—the totality of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other organisms—living in or ...

Study of endangered Stipitate hydnaceous fungi in China

The genus Hydnellum, an important component of stipitate hydnaceous fungi, is a group of soil-inhabiting Basidiomycota with a spinulose hymenium. They can form a mutually beneficial symbiosis with plant roots, receiving carbon ...

Mammal biodiversity shapes disease risk

To predict the spillover of pathogens from wildlife to humans and limit future pandemics, it is important to understand where wildlife disease risk is highest. A team of researchers, led by Wageningen University & Research ...

Newly-introduced butterfly could become widespread in Canada

This summer, if you see a butterfly with wings that are blue on top with orange spots underneath, you may have crossed paths with a male European Common Blue (or Polyommatus icarus), a newly introduced species in Canada.

The path toward discovering a new species of Cicada

The 17-year cicadas emerging dramatically by the billions in 15 U.S. states from Georgia to New York and west to Illinois are making quite a racket—a uniquely North American phenomenon—but thousands of other cicada species ...

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