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Scientists uncover new factor in HIV infection

A George Mason University researcher team has revealed the specific process by which the HIV virus infects healthy T cells—a process previously unknown. The principal investigator, HIV researcher Yuntao Wu, says he hopes ...

Tests underway for new HIV drug farmed from GM tobacco plants

A clinical trial of a potential Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) drug farmed from genetically modified (GM) tobacco plants has at long last got underway in the United Kingdom. The beginning of the trial follows several ...

New imaging reveals previously unseen vulnerabilities of HIV

Imagine that HIV is a sealed tin can: if you opened it, what would you find inside? An international team led by researchers at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM), Tufts University School of Medicine, ...

'Decoy' nanoparticles can block HIV and prevent infection

Flipping the standard viral drug targeting approach on its head, engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a promising new "nanosponge" method for preventing HIV from proliferating in the body: coating ...

Building A Handheld HIV Detector

Most Africans infected with HIV live in rural areas, where access to HIV testing has lagged behind the growing availability of HIV-fighting drugs.

Watch how a T cell passes HIV sexually to a new host

While it's well known that HIV is transmitted sexually, how the virus crosses genital mucus membranes to reach its targets in the immune system is less well understood. Previous research has looked at biochemical measurements ...

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