The two faces of cellular forgetfulness

Ludwig Maximilian University researchers have monitored how epigenetic information is transmitted to daughter cells during cell division and determined when the cell's developmental memory is re-established.

A first of its kind tool to study the histone code

University of North Carolina scientists have created a new research tool, based on the fruit fly, to help crack the histone code. This research tool can be used to better understand the function of histone proteins, which ...

YEATS protein potential therapeutic target for cancer

Federal Express and UPS are no match for the human body when it comes to distribution. There exists in cancer biology an impressive packaging and delivery system that influences whether your body will develop cancer or not.

New technique reveals a role for histones in cell division

( —Proteins known as histones give structure to DNA, which coils around them like string on spools. But as is so often the case in biology, it turns out there is more to these structures than meets the eye. Scientists ...

Protein anchors help keep embryonic development 'just right'

The "Goldilocks effect" in fruit fly embryos may be more intricate than previously thought. It's been known that specific proteins, called histones, must exist within a certain range—if there are too few, a fruit fly's ...

Environmental change leaves its footprint in the epigenome

( —Monozygotic twins look more similar when they are young than later in life. One of the reasons for this is epigenetic change in the form of chemical modifications of the DNA or its packaging proteins. Environmental ...

Enzyme controls transport of genomic building blocks

Our DNA and its architecture are duplicated every time our cells divide. Histone proteins are key building blocks of this architecture and contain crucial information that regulates our genes. Danish researchers show how ...

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