Data from the LHC converted to piano music

For almost a decade, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been enabling scientists to develop a greater understanding of – and, in some cases, rewrite – the laws of physics.

Reaching for the stormy cloud with Chameleon

Some scientists dream about big data. The dream bridges two divided realms. One realm holds lofty peaks of number-crunching scientific computation. Endless waves of big data analysis line the other realm. A deep chasm separates ...

Supercharging the computers that will save the world

Computer scientist Gonzalo Rodrigo at Umeå University in Sweden has developed new techniques and tools to manage high performance computing systems more efficiently. This in an effort to comply with the increasing demand ...

Researchers develop new class of optoelectronic materials

Semiconductors are used for myriad optoelectronic devices. However, as devices get smaller and smaller and more demanding, new materials are needed to ensure that devices work with greater efficiency. Now, researchers at ...

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