Helping hawks weather the storm

A team of researchers at a University of Alberta institute is helping endangered prairie hawks weather the storm of climate change.

Overnight SpaceX launch set for NASA Earth science probe

A NASA satellite that will look at the tiniest parts of the air and ocean is set for an overnight launch from the Space Coast after a years-long path to the launch pad that staved off repeated attempts by the Trump administration ...

Armagh cameras catch unexpected outburst of meteors

A surprise flurry of meteors or "shooting stars" caught the eye of several casual observers in Western Europe on the night of 9–10 September. The meteors were apparently quite fast, with some bright enough to qualify as ...

No rest for the tornado

( —Do tornadoes take the weekends off? Researchers from NC State University examined the question of the connection between tornado frequency and aerosol pollution, and found that any link between the two is tenuous ...

Future hurricanes: Fast like Ike or slow like Harvey?

Climate change will intensify winds that steer hurricanes north over Texas in the final 25 years of this century, increasing the odds for fast-moving storms like 2008's Ike, compared with slow-movers like 2017's Harvey, according ...

Image: Parachute for planetfall

Testing a candidate design for a subsonic parachute to slow a future mission to Mars inside Canada's National Research Council wind tunnel, in Ottawa.

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