Ocean surface loses resistance during extreme hurricanes

TU Delft researchers have discovered that the ocean surface loses practically all aerodynamic resistance during hurricanes with extremely high wind speeds. This occurs as a result of a very smooth layer lying over the waves: ...

A stellar achievement: Magnetized space winds in the laboratory

New insights have been gained about stellar winds, streams of high-speed charged particles called plasma that blow through interstellar space. These winds, created by eruptions from stars or stellar explosions, carry with ...

Satellites assisting look into hurricanes

A mission to probe winds deep inside hurricanes, where most satellites cannot see and few aircraft venture, is showing signs of success despite an unexpected obstacle linked to tensions in the Middle East.

NASA sees Post-tropical Cyclone Lorenzo affecting Ireland

NASA's Terra satellite passed over the eastern North Atlantic Ocean early on Oct. 3 and captured a visible image of Post-tropical Cyclone Lorenzo as it neared Ireland. Lorenzo's eastern side is already affecting Ireland, ...

Spain wildfire triggers more evacuations

Spanish authorities ordered the evacuation Sunday of around 40 people and closed four roads as a raging wildfire advanced in the centre of the country amid scorching temperatures.

3Qs: With Sandy, climate change 'loads the dice'

Though it's dif­fi­cult to tie a spe­cific storm like Hur­ri­cane Sandy to the phe­nom­enon of cli­mate change, Auroop Gan­guly, an asso­ciate pro­fessor of civil and envi­ron­mental engi­neering at North­eastern, ...

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