Cherry picking molecules based on their Pi electrons

Specialized windshield glass, everyday plastic water bottles, and countless other products are based on ethylene, a simple two-carbon molecule, which requires an energy-intense separation process to pluck the desired chemical ...

Shell clusters reveal Pilbara's cyclone past

Evidence showing tsunamis or other waves caused by cyclones have previously reached more than 10m above sea level in WA, has raised questions about the capacity of coastal infrastructure according to a study of the Pilbara ...

Supercritical fluids explained

When we boil a kettle, we observe what scientists call a phase transition: the water changes from being a liquid to a gas as water becomes less dense. One litre of water boils to give about 1,000 litres of steam at atmospheric ...

To wilt or not to wilt?

The growth hormone abscisic acid affects the ability of plants to control water loss through their leaves as well as their ability to recuperate after drought conditions. Early growth conditions are crucial to long term abscisic ...

Flowing water on Mars appears likely but hard to prove

( —Martian experts have known since 2011 that mysterious, possibly water-related streaks appear and disappear on the planet's surface. Georgia Institute of Technology Ph.D. candidate Lujendra Ojha discovered them ...

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