Seawater seep may be speeding glacier melt, sea level rise

The melting of ice sheets at the points where they float on and along the world's oceans is a major climate culprit when it comes to sea level rise. But less is understood about the extent of melting that is due to warm, ...

Machine learning accelerates cosmological simulations

A universe evolves over billions upon billions of years, but researchers have developed a way to create a complex simulated universe in less than a day. The technique, published in this week's Proceedings of the National ...

Light forces electrons to follow the curve

An exotic phenomenon usually associated with high magnetic fields can be achieved without a magnetic field, according to theoretical predictions by researchers from A*STAR and the United States. Their analysis could open ...

Researchers find new way to control quantum systems

Researchers from the Department of Applied Mathematics and the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo have developed a versatile new way of controlling quantum systems that can affect the reliability ...

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