High-speed jets from a possible new class of galaxy

Seyfert galaxies are similar to spiral galaxies except that they have extraordinarily prominent, bright nuclei, sometimes as luminous as 100 billion Suns. Their huge energies are thought to be generated as matter falls towards ...

NREL demonstrates 45.7% efficiency for concentrator solar cell

The Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory has announced the demonstration of a 45.7 percent conversion efficiency for a four-junction solar cell at 234 suns concentration. This achievement represents one ...

Synchrotron upgrade to make X-rays even brighter

(Phys.org) —The X-rays produced by the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) are bright, but they will soon be even brighter, thanks to a major upgrade that will make the quality of CHESS' X-rays competitive with ...

Energy storage of the future

Personal electronics such as cell phones and laptops could get a boost from some of the lightest materials in the world.

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