When superconductivity material science meets nuclear physics

Imagine a wire with a thickness roughly one-hundred thousand times smaller than a human hair and only visible with the world's most powerful microscopes. They can come in many varieties, including semiconductors, insulators ...

Life on the edge in the quantum world

Quantum physics sets the laws that dominate the universe at a small scale. The ability to harness quantum phenomena could lead to machines like quantum computers, which are predicted to perform certain calculations much faster ...

After death, Hawking cuts 'multiverse' theory down to size

With a science paper published after his death, Stephen Hawking has revived debate on a deeply divisive question for cosmologists: Is our Universe just one of many in an infinite, ever-expanding "multiverse"?

Particle physicists on a quest for 'new physics'

After five years of work, EPFL's physicists, together with some 800 international researchers involved in the CERN's LHCb project, have just taken an important step by building a new detector—a scintillating fiber tracker ...

ATLAS experiment seeks new insight into the Standard Model

Ever since the LHC collided its first protons in 2009, the ATLAS Collaboration has been persistently studying their interactions with increasing precision. To this day, it has always observed them to be as expected by the ...

Three gravitational wave projects unveiled in China

Chinese scientists have unveiled three separate projects to investigate gravitational waves, state media said Wednesday, days after earthshaking US discoveries that confirmed Einstein's century-old predictions.

China 'to start work on super, super-collider by 2020'

China will begin work on the world's largest super-collider in 2020, state-run media reported Thursday, in an attempt to increase understanding of the Higgs boson, or "god particle".

Smaller and cheaper particle accelerators?

Traditionally, particle accelerators have relied on electric fields generated by radio waves to drive electrons and other particles close to the speed of light. But in radio-frequency machines there is an upper limit on the ...

Fermilab's 500-mile neutrino experiment up and running

(Phys.org) —It's the most powerful accelerator-based neutrino experiment ever built in the United States, and the longest-distance one in the world. It's called NOvA, and after nearly five years of construction, scientists ...

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