Could 'Higgsogenesis' explain dark matter?

( —The recently discovered Higgs boson is best known for its important role in explaining particle mass. But now some physicists are wondering if the Higgs could have played an equally significant role in generating ...

Mass appeal: Boson goes hip

The Higgs boson has not only pushed back the frontiers of science—it has also broken new ground in hipness, spawning songs, merchandising and jokes.

Higgs search: A half-century odyssey

Over half a century, the Higgs boson has evolved from a theory rejected as daft to a cornerstone of our understanding of the Universe.

'God Particle' Nobel ticks boson box for CERN

The reflected glory of a Nobel prize for the minds behind the "God particle" sent champagne corks popping at Europe's top physics lab CERN Tuesday, vindicating its landmark discovery a year ago.

CERN's scientists bask in joy of 'God Particle' Nobel

Scientists at the lab which discovered the "God particle" popped champagne Tuesday, ecstatic over the Nobel Physics Prize award for its theoreticians Peter Higgs and Francois Englert.

Nobel physics laureate Higgs 'overwhelmed' (Update)

British scientist Peter Higgs said he was "overwhelmed" after he and Belgium's Francois Englert were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics on Tuesday for their work on the Higgs Boson particle.

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