Stranded baby seals concern Dutch rescuers

A month ago, a young seal named Marco washed up on a beach on the northern Dutch Frisian island of Ameland, one of a growing number of recently stranded pups that has left his rescuers worried.

Politics is driving fish stocks to collapse

Stocks of fish like cod and herring are likely to collapse within 40 years if European fisheries ministers continue to ignore scientific recommendations on how much fish should be caught each year, warn researchers.

EU and Faroe Islands end 'herring war'

The European Union said Wednesday it had reached agreement with the Faroe Islands to settle a dispute over herring fishing and would drop punitive measures against the tiny island chain.

New website engages viewers in herring story

Like a fishing net, a new website, created by a Simon Fraser University archaeologist and a multimedia consultant, captures viewers and draws them into an interactive multimedia window onto Pacific herring's past, present ...

Herring can give us even more food

Herring is one of the most common table fish in the entire world, but large parts of the catch is being used for fish feed. "From an environmental perspective, it is better if the herring is used for food for humans," says ...

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