Herbicide rotation ineffective against resistance in waterhemp

Farmers have been battling herbicide-resistant weeds for generations. A common practice for most of that time has been to rotate between different herbicides every season. But despite farmers' best efforts, herbicide resistance ...

New method developed for testing herbicide resistance in weeds

Herbicide-resistant weeds are becoming increasingly common in agricultural landscapes. Existing methods for confirming herbicide resistance require knowledge of the genes responsible for target-site resistance, but this information ...

Invasive weeds could shed light on climate-coping

(Phys.org) —In the race to adapt to climate change, weeds may be the winners. Understanding their well-honed coping mechanisms could inform strategies for ecological management, says a Cornell crop and soil researcher.

Herbicide resistance in waterhemp continues to grow

Twenty-five years ago, waterhemp was virtually unknown to Illinois farmers. Today, the broadleaf weed blankets corn and soybean fields across the state and the Midwest, causing yield losses from 40 to 70 percent.

Understanding how weeds are resistant to herbicides

In a little over seven hours, University of Illinois weed scientist Patrick Tranel got more genetic information about waterhemp than in two years time in a lab. The genetic information was obtained using pyrosequencing technology ...

New insights on the control of dicamba-resistant kochia

Kochia is a highly invasive weed that is common in the Great Plains, where it has developed resistance to multiple herbicides. Now new dicamba-resistant strains are adding to grower worries.

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