Tiny 'water bears' can teach us about survival

Earth's ultimate survivors can weather extreme heat, cold, radiation and even the vacuum of space. Now the U.S. military hopes these tiny critters called tardigrades can teach us about true toughness.

How Earth sheds heat into space

Just as an oven gives off more heat to the surrounding kitchen as its internal temperature rises, the Earth sheds more heat into space as its surface warms up. Since the 1950s, scientists have observed a surprisingly straightforward, ...

Generating electrical power from waste heat

Directly converting electrical power to heat is easy. It regularly happens in your toaster, that is, if you make toast regularly. The opposite, converting heat into electrical power, isn't so easy.

How your WiFi can protect against intruders

The applications of wireless networks go far beyond logging onto the free Airport WiFi while you wait to board your flight, or binge watching the latest Netflix series on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Australian fire beetle avoids the heat

The Australian jewel beetle Merimna atrata has several heat sensors. Originally, it was thought to use them to detect forest fires as it lays its eggs in the wood of burned eucalyptus trees. Researchers at the University ...

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