Researchers report first recording of a blue whale's heart rate

Encased in a neon orange plastic shell, a collection of electronic sensors bobbed along the surface of the Monterey Bay, waiting to be retrieved by Stanford University researchers. A lunchbox-sized speck in the vast waters, ...

Biofeedback games feed off human inputs

Gamers up to the challenge must conquer their health and improve their well-being by keeping calm as they navigate haunted houses, overcome obstacles and manage the fight-or-flight response.

Could humans hibernate?

On cold, dark days it is tempting to imagine shutting yourself away until the warmer weather returns. Many animals do just that by entering a state known as torpor, which reduces their bodily functions to a minimum and uses ...

Hibernating lemurs hint at the secrets of sleep

By studying hibernation, a Duke University team is providing a window into why humans sleep. Observations of a little-known primate called the fat-tailed dwarf lemur in captivity and the wild has revealed that it goes for ...

Why men and women handle stress differently

Men and women handle stress differently. Most people probably would agree with that statement, but researchers at Michigan Technological University are pinpointing the physiological reasons behind what is, indeed, fact.

Fever alarm armband: A wearable, printable, temperature sensor

University of Tokyo researchers have developed a "fever alarm armband," a flexible, self-powered wearable device that sounds an alarm in case of high body temperature. This armband will be presented at the 2015 IEEE International ...

Transistors are made from natural cotton fibers

( -- Smarter, more functional clothing incorporating electronics may be possible in the near future, according to a study co-authored by Cornell fiber scientist Juan Hinestroza.

The foundations of empathy are found in the chicken

( -- A study has gained new insight into the minds of domestic hens, discovering, for the first time, that domestic hens show a clear physiological and behavioural response when their chicks are mildly distressed.

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