Related topics: cells · cancer cells

Researchers show that locusts can 'sniff' out human cancer

Researchers at Michigan State University have shown that locusts can not only "smell" the difference between cancer cells and healthy cells, but they can also distinguish between different cancer cell lines. 

Kids' noses can better fight COVID-19

University of Queensland-led research has found the lining of children's noses is better at inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infections than adult noses.

Using light to restore cell function

New research from the University of Cincinnati shows early indications that light can be used as a treatment for certain diseases, including cancer.

Intracellular nanothermometer has unprecedented versatility

Body temperature is a basic indicator of health. Intracellular temperature is also a basic indicator of cellular health; cancer cells are more metabolically active, and thus can have a slightly higher temperature than healthy ...

Breakthrough in study of how epithelial cells become cancerous

Epithelial cells, which line the surfaces and organs of the body, can protect themselves against cancer by removing unhealthy or abnormal cells through a mechanism known as "apical extrusion," where the damaged cells are ...

Secrets of thymus formation revealed

The thymus is a crucial organ of the immune system. In the thymus, the well-known T cells mature: As killer cells, they recognize and destroy virus-infected or malignant cells, and as so-called helper T cells they assist ...

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