Related topics: health

For stressed-out grad students, mindfulness makes big difference

While recent studies and polls indicate the nation is in the midst of a mental health crisis, the situation in academia is even more grim: Within the high-stress, high-pressure, often socially isolated world of advanced education, ...

The not so inactive X chromosome

Nearly every cell in our body contains pairs of each of our chromosomes, and these pairs are identical in all but one case: that of our sex chromosomes. Males typically have one X and one Y sex chromosome, while females typically ...

Exploring how neurons in human skin affect pigmentation

Your skin forms the physical boundary between you and the outside world, yet it still holds a surprising number of secrets. Now, researchers from Japan have discovered that sensory nerve cells in the skin do more than just ...

Finding the most boring person in the world

The most boring person in the world has been discovered by University of Essex research—and it is a religious data entry worker, who likes watching TV, and lives in a town. The peer-reviewed study into the science of boredom ...

Finding green solvents for printed electronics

The emerging field of printed electronics promises to radically change the way we view and use electronics through energy- and cost-efficient printing of electronic inks onto everyday surfaces such as paper and textiles. ...

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