Related topics: health

Scientists create UV-enabled flexible wearable technology

To enable the development of wearable devices that possess advanced ultraviolet (UV) detection functions, scientists from NTU Singapore have created a new type of light sensor that is both flexible and highly sensitive.While ...

Intensive farming increases risk of epidemics, warn scientists

Overuse of antibiotics, high animal numbers and low genetic diversity caused by intensive farming techniques increase the likelihood of pathogens becoming a major public health risk, according to new research led by UK scientists.

Haze smoke affects butterfly caterpillars

NUS biologists have discovered that haze affects the survival and development of butterflies, which could have an adverse impact on our environment.

Top 43 reasons why men remain single—according to Reddit

In the past, forced or arranged marriages meant that socially inept, unattractive men did not have to acquire social skills in order to find a long-term love interest. Today, men must be able to turn on the charm if they ...

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