NASA mission sending unmanned aircraft over hurricanes this year

Beginning this summer and over the next several years, NASA will be sending unmanned aircraft dubbed "severe storm sentinels" above stormy skies to help researchers and forecasters uncover information about hurricane formation ...

Stephen Hawking to turn 70, defying disease

British scientist Stephen Hawking has decoded some of the most puzzling mysteries of the universe but he has left one mystery unsolved: How he has managed to survive so long with such a crippling disease.

Boy or girl? Understanding how red-tailed hawks migrate

( -- As any resident of upstate New York will tell you, the red-tailed hawk is the most common hawk in North America. Often seen perched on light and telephone poles along major highways, this majestic animal ...

Research sheds new light on black holes

( -- The quantum phenomenon which is thought to cause black holes to leak energy and ultimately explode is more common than first thought according to Victoria University researchers.

Eyes, ears of US military take shape in high-tech labs

A Global Hawk robotic plane, hovering more than 11 miles above Afghanistan, can snap images of Taliban hide-outs so crystal clear that U.S. intelligence officials can make out the pickup trucks parked nearby - and how long ...

Simulating black hole radiation with lasers

Hawking radiation from black holes is very dim, and unlikely to be detected any time soon. Now researchers have created a laboratory experiment that produces detectable Hawking radiation with a laser.

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