Related topics: bacteria

Harmful genetic mutations may be less common than we thought

We are all mutants. Every characteristic that defines our species is the result of a genetic mutation somewhere in the history of evolution. And the same is true for every other organism on the planet. Yet more often than ...

How bacteria manipulate plants

Attack at the protein front: Xanthomonas bacteria causes disease in tomato and pepper plants and injects harmful proteins into plant cells. Researchers from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), the University ...

New insight into the molecular weapons of the plant microbiome

Like all organisms, plants are associated with bacterial communities in which helpful and harmful bacteria compete for dominance. Among the weaponry of these warring bacteria are molecular syringes that some bacteria can ...

Computer models reveal best way to kill deadly bacteria

Bacteria, transformed into dormant spores, can survive millions of years in extreme environments, threatening human life in the form of food poisoning and the biological weapon anthrax. But understanding how bacteria adapt ...

Solving the problem of surgical stainless steel

Stainless steel is widely used in surgical medicine: for medical devices such coronary stents, hip-implant stems and spinal-disc replacements, and for a variety of surgical tools such as scalpels and forceps, as well as operating ...

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